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Purpose: The aim of the article was to present the problems of converting sewage sludge into energy in relation to the strategies and legal regulations in force in Poland. This publication is an attempt to identify the factors determining the use of sewage sludge as substrates for energy recovery. Design/methodology/approach: The scope of undertaken research included quantitative analysis of the generated sludge, qualitative analysis, in order to define the parameters constituting the possibility of its effective use in energetics, as well as identification and evaluation of key determinants influencing the choice of the method of sludge management. Findings: Thermal treatment of sewage sludge is one of the strategic management directions chosen for this kind of waste. Based on the analyses and evaluation of the presented technological solutions in the field of research, it was indicated that the key factor limiting the general use of sewage sludge as a fuel is an economic issue, especially in relation to the cost of sludge preparation. Originality/value: The implementation of increasingly restrictive requirements in the field of sludge management forces the sludge treatment plants to find new solutions in order to manage them efficiently. Due to the above, the paper presents the basic factors that determine the initiation of studies concerning the use of the energy potential of the generated sludge.
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