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The paper focuses on experimental monitoring of tightening and floating of the belt at controlled loading of belt gear. In general, the belt gear is referred to as friction gear in practice the primary function of which is to transfer the performance as a consequence of frictional forces occurring between a driven belt pulley, a driving belt pulley and a flexible element. In experimental measurements, the flexible element is represented by a V-belt. The main advantages of the belt gears are peripheral speed, flexible engagement, silent running, vibration absorption and their price. Standard operation of the belt gear requires correct belt tightening which is achieved by movement of a pulley and a tension roll. At the same time, the belt tightening can be achieved by changing the spacing of the shaft axes used in experiments. In the case of belt gears use, specific principles must be observed. The principles include tightening of the belt with particular force which represents, in fact, primary condition of transmission of motion and force. At rest, the tension of both belt parts is identical. Complex analysis of belt gears was followed by experimental measurements on the stands designed for testing and monitoring of belt gears. For the purposes of monitoring of the belt floating there was a system designed which used a high precision sensor to measure distance between the belt and the sensor. At the same time, a device designed to determine the belt tightening was used as well. All measurements were analysed and collected data and facts were used to determine dependencies possible to be applied when the monitored parameters are evaluated. The results of experimental monitoring of the selected parameters at controlled loading of the belt gear can be useful in practice for designing, checking and maintenance operations.
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Bibliogr. 11 poz., rys., tab., wykr., zdj.
- Technical University of Kosice, Bayerova 1, Presov, 080 01, Slovak Republic
- Technical University of Kosice, Bayerova 1, Presov, 080 01, Slovak Republic
- Technical University of Kosice, Bayerova 1, Presov, 080 01, Slovak Republic
- Technical University of Kosice, Bayerova 1, Presov, 080 01, Slovak Republic
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