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Assessment model of regions' competitive advantage based on statistical data and indicator analyses

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Purpose: The aim of the article is to present a conceptual model for the assessment of competitive advantage of the region referring to smart specialization. Design/methodology/approach: For the purpose of developing the model, a literature review of the competitive advantage was conducted. Then the main statistical indicators necessary to assess the competitiveness of the region were selected. These indicators included data on economy, research and patents. Indicator data are a source of information for experts to conclude on the competitive advantage of the region and areas of potential specialisation. Pilot studies for the developed model were carried out in the Silesia Voivodeship. Findings: The main result of the work was to develop a model for assessing the competitiveness of the region in the context of smart specialisations. The model based on statistical data and expert opinions and is a useful tool for selecting and updating specialization. Research limitations/implications: It was noted that relying only on statistical data to assess a region's level of competitiveness is not sufficient, as these are provided with some delay. In addition, these data usually represent a high level of aggregation. Practical implications: The developed model finds practical application in the process of identifying and updating smart regional specialisations. It can be used by local governments to build a regional innovation policy. Social implications: Intelligent specialisations are key components of regional development. They influence economic, social and environmental aspects. The use of the model in the Silesian Voivodeship has made it possible to distinguish a new smart specialisation which is green economy. Originality/value The article contribute to realization of the entrepreneurial discovery process in the regions, which is, according to the guidelines of the European Commission, the main component of the innovation development policy.
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Bibliogr. 19 poz.
  • Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Organization and Management
  • Central Mining Institute
  • Central Mining Institute
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