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Purpose: The article's objective is formalization of the model, the main stages and creative methods of training technical specialists, the definition of features and directions for further education development in the post-industrial era. The article is aimed at revealing the nature of creativity, highlighting the essence of the functions of methods of creative activity and their importance for students of technical specialties. Design/methodology/approach: The work uses critical analysis of scientific and methodological sources, system and convergent analysis methods, generalization and systematization of practical experience. The method of convergent generalization made it possible to identify key indicators of the model of creative competencies. The conceptual model of creative competence was developed based on the results of cooperation on the frame of master's programs for the project managers training. For the practical part of research, a qualitative method was used (participant observation, individual interview, tests). Findings: The need to train technical specialists in the methods of creative search using modern technologies, which allows to achieve the effects of the intellectual potential development for the individual, the state and society, is justified. An experiment on training project managers of two Ukrainian institutes in creative technologies proved the feasibility of implementing such training. Based on the calculation of the creative competencies’ development of the first- and second-year study technical specialists, the need to add a mandatory creative component to educational programs has been determined. Implications/Recommendations: To assess the quality of training, a methodology for assessing the level of competence has been applied. This made it possible to identify a low level of some competencies and, at the stage of improving the curriculum, plan the necessary corrective actions for the development of weak components of competencies. Since project-oriented learning is used, the model is similar to the model of the classical project life cycle and will be especially useful in the implementation of innovative projects in production. The article presents a framework for teaching students creative competence, which can be used by other educational institutions. Originality/value: The review of literary sources proved that so far very little attention has been paid to the development of creative competencies in students of technical specialties, although these competencies will be the competitive advantage of a person in the competition with artificial intelligence. The model of creative competencies for the technical specialists training is presented, which is divided into four areas, which in turn are divided into four components. These areas relate to the sampling and systematization of knowledge; adaptation to user requirements; awareness and dissemination of hidden knowledge; transition to the active use of knowledge.
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Bibliogr. 30 poz.
- National Technical University “Dnipro Polytechnik”, Dnipro, Ukraine
- National Technical University “Dnipro Polytechnik”, Dnipro, Ukraine
- Railway Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland
- Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
- Warsaw Management University
- Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, Poland
- Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland
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