Warianty tytułu
The assesment of self-government employee in the polish defence system
Języki publikacji
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie możliwości wykorzystania oprogramowania komputerowego CapePack do wspomagania planowania paletyzacji i załadunku w przedsiębiorstwach, a także omówienie podstawowych elementów procesu transportowego oraz warunków formowania jednostek ładunkowych i ich głównych cech. Dodatkowo, w opracowaniu scharakteryzowano poszczególne moduły programu CapePack wraz z możliwościami ich wykorzystania, a także zaprezentowano jego praktyczne zastosowanie do planowania dowozu środków bojowych i materiałowych podczas ćwiczeń wojskowych.
Responsibility and effectiveness of realization tasks related to state security and defense is strongly dependent to organization of work in the departments of local government units. It is also determined by the knowledge and experience of their employees, as well as the scope of assigned professional duties or adjustment the organizational structure to the range of the tasks performed. In this article the attention was focused on poviat and gmina offices examined in terms of properly preparation of employees to perform functions related to the defense system. The way of work organization, adjustment of conducted trainings to educational needs and the level of knowledge and skills were analyzed. Also the reception of these employees by supervisors, colleagues or the local community were checked. The basis of the study was both expert interviews with representatives of poviats specialized in security matters, as well as an online questionnaire survey addressed to communes in the Mazowieckie province. The applications received allowed to diagnose some aspects of organization a self-government offices, leading to the conclusion about some required corrections. They were discussed in the article.
Opis fizyczny
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