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Quantification of nitrates leaching from grassland soils in winter using the Burns model

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This paper presents the results of a study on the level of nitrate leaching from the 0-30 cm layer of grassland (GL) soil in the Lublin Voivodship during the winters of 2018/2019, 2019/2020 and 2020/2021. The amounts of leached nitrates were determined using the Burns model. For the calculations based on this model - directly and indirectly, the results determination of residual nitrate nitrogen, texture and organic matter in GL soils, obtained within the framework of agricultural monitoring of soils by the National Chemical and Agricultural Station (KSChR), and results of system meteorological measurements conducted by the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute (IMGW-PIB) were used. The analysed soil samples were taken from 39 permanent control and measurement grassland sites. The research discovered in particular that: - the average leaching of nitrate nitrogen from GL mineral soil in the three analysed periods was 16.2 and 5.1 kg N∙ha-1 from organic soil; - on average, in autumn during the entire study period, 55.3% of NO3-N leached from the 0-30 cm layer of GL mineral soil, and 27.3% from organic soil; - among different agronomic categories of mineral soil, the highest leaching of NO3-N was recorded from medium soil (17.4 kg N∙ha-1 ) and the lowest from heavy soil (11.5 kg N∙ha-1); - individually determined values of NO3-N leaching from soil varied significantly from 0 to 68.5 kg N∙ha-1 for mineral soil and from 0.1 to 23.65 kg N∙ha-1 for organic soil.
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Bibliogr. 67 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
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