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Primary Problems of Military Security
Języki publikacji
The literature published so far related to military security is extensive, however, there are not many attempts to define this category. On the basis of different researchers’ considerations one may find military security as a relation, status, complex practice, process and as a vast phenomenon it makes a specific, clearly defined area of scientific research. Some important for military security categories were reviewed in the article. The definition of weapon was proposed and it was stated that, because of its extraordinary evolution and as a result of the emergence of untypical combat participants, defining armed fighting encounters serious difficulties. Furthermore, in parallel with the expanding range of weapons, scope of armed violence is widening. It was also found that the main spheres of military security include military threats and the State’s own activity.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 7 poz., rys.
- Akademia Obrony Narodowej
- 1. Baylis J., Smith S., Globalizacja polityki światowej. Wprowadzenie do stosunków międzynarodowych. WUJ Kraków 2008.
- 2. Bobrow D. B., Haliżak E., Zięba R., Bezpieczeństwo narodowe i międzynarodowe u schyłku XX wieku, Warszawa 1997.
- 3. Grygolec W., Kościuk L., Bezpieczeństwo militarne państwa. Pojęcia, uwarunkowania, polityka, MON, Warszawa 1998.
- 4. Huzarski M. i in., Zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem militarnym w ujęciu narodowym i sojuszniczym, AON, Warszawa 2008.
- 5. Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsu, Unrestricted Warfare: Assumptions on War and Tactics in the Age of Globalization, Beijing 1999, tłum. na j. ang. US CIA's Foreign Broadcast Information Service, http://cryptome.org/cuw.zip, 2009.
- 6. Szpyra R., Cyberterroryzm - poszukiwanie istoty i charakterystyki [w:] T. Jemioło, J. Kisielnicki, K. Rajchel, Cyberterroryzmnowe wyzwaniaXXI wieku, Warszawa 2009.
- 7. Szpyra R., Militarne operacje informacyjne, AON, Warszawa 2003.
Typ dokumentu
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