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Facies heterogeneity of a deep-sea depositional lobe complex : case study from the Słonne section of Skole Nappe, Polish Outer Carpathians

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This article reports on the first detailed study of the Skole Nappe’s Ropianka Formation in the Słonne outcrop section along river San. Lithological and micropalaeontological similarities indicate that the sedimentary succession correlates with the formation’s Wiar Member of Campanian–late Maastrichtian age. The sedimentary succession, more than 140 m thick, is interpreted as a deep-marine complex of turbiditic depositional lobes and the study reveals its sedimentary anatomy. Six component facies of sediment gravity-flow deposits and their stratigraphic grouping into four facies associations are recognized, with these latter considered to represent deposits of the lobe axial zone, lateral flank zone and featheredge fringe zone, as well as an interlobe outer-fringe zone. Semi-quantitative characterization and comparison of facies associations gives insight into the succession’s sedimentary heterogeneity. Six depositional lobes superimposed upon one another are recognized in the stratigraphic succession, and their pattern of vertical stacking is interpreted in terms of dynamic stratigraphy on the basis of the upward succession of facies associations. The stratigraphic arrangement of facies associations is attributed to autogenic morphodynamic changes within the evolving depositional system, although it cannot be precluded that also eustatic and local tectonic forcing came into play. The case study sheds more light on the sedimentary environment, sediment sourcing system and spatial depositional pattern in the Late Cretaceous Skole Basin, where the aggrading seafloor apparently oscillated around the lysocline depth that could be mid-bathyal at that time.
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Bibliogr. 112 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
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