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In this paper we present the results of investigation of micro- and nanoscale degradation of a sheet moulded composite exposed to simulated solar radiation. Utilization of high resolution methods such as atomic force microscopy, optical profilometry and microcomputer tomography allowed us to provide the evidence of significant deterioration of the surface as well as the material few microns in depth. Additionally, the typically used macroscopic investigations, such as wettability and flexural strength, were performed to observe the impact of weathering process. It was also shown that high resolution techniques provide superior sensitivity of the material degradation detection. The particular effectiveness of the applied approach was related to the structure of investigated material, as due to its degradation, a number of voids appeared, causing a significant roughness increase. In addition, the impact of light radiation could be compared to other environmental conditions maintained in the climatic chamber. It should be underlined, that according to our knowledge, such a study has not been performed so far.
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Bibliogr. 29 poz., rys., tab.
- ElectrotechnicalInstitute,DivisionofElectrotechnologyandMaterialsScience, M.Skłodowskiej-Curie55/61,50-369Wrocław
- ElectrotechnicalInstitute,DivisionofElectrotechnologyandMaterialsScience, M.Skłodowskiej-Curie55/61,50-369Wrocław
- WrocławUniversityofTechnology,FacultyofMicrosystemElectronicsandPhotonics, Janiszewskiego11/17,50-372Wrocław
- ElectrotechnicalInstitute,DivisionofElectrotechnologyandMaterialsScience, M.Skłodowskiej-Curie55/61,50-369Wrocław
- ElectrotechnicalInstitute,DivisionofElectrotechnologyandMaterialsScience, M.Skłodowskiej-Curie55/61,50-369Wrocław
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