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Safety in unmanned transport in armed conflicts

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Purpose: The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the safety of unmanned transport in armed conflicts, with a particular focus on the Russo-Ukrainian war. Methodology: The authors employ a multidimensional comparative analysis of selected Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) used for reconnaissance, combat, and transport tasks. Various sources such as scientific literature, military reviews, historical facts, technical specifications, and illustrations support the arguments and compare different types of UAVs. Results: The authors confirm their research thesis that in current geopolitical conditions, UAVs will become one of the equipment elements of the armed forces of individual European countries. They highlight their diverse functionality, positive impact on safety, and technological progress. Theoretical Contribution: This paper contributes to the field of military technology by providing a comprehensive analysis of the role and impact of UAVs in modern warfare. It offers valuable insights into the evolving nature of conflict and the increasing reliance on unmanned technologies. Practical Implications: The findings of this research have significant practical implications. They suggest that the use of UAVs in future military technologies will become increasingly common, and their combat capabilities and electro-optical equipment will continue to improve. This underscores the need for ongoing research and development in this area to ensure these technologies' safe and effective use in the context of armed conflict.
  • Rzeszow University of Technology, Powstańców Warszawy Street, 12, Rzeszow 00-908, Poland
  • 3DR Design and Training Studio, Kornela Makuszyńskigo Street, 5I/25, Rzeszow 00-908, Poland
  • Military University of Technology in Warsaw, Street Kaliskiego 2, Warsaw 00-908, Poland
  • Higher Vocational Education School, Powstańców Śląskich Street, 1/201, Wroclaw 53-329, Poland
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