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Simulation studies of pollutant emissions from road vehicles using models for inventories of pollutant emissions

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Countries are obliged by international regulations to conduct annual pollutant emissions inventories. Road transport is one of the sectors for which an inventory of pollutant emissions is carried out. Determining pollutant emissions from road transport is possible only by modeling these emissions - that is why unified emission models are used. In this work, the COPERT and HBEFA INFRAS software are used to determine pollutant emissions characteristics for various vehicle traffic models. The article presents the principles of modeling pollutant emissions from road vehicles. The rules for qualifying road vehicles into elementary and cumulative categories have been systematized. Models of road vehicle traffic and ways of taking them into account in modeling pollutant emissions are presented. The following emissions of pollutants harmful to the health and life of living organisms are considered: carbon monoxide, non-methane volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides and total suspended particles. The trends of the national annual emissions of the tested pollutants for the years 2000-2020 and the results of simulation tests of pollutant emissions models are presented.
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Bibliogr. 27 poz., wykr.
  • Institute of Environmental Protection - National Research Institute, Poland
  • Institute of Environmental Protection - National Research Institute, Poland
  • Institute of Environmental Protection - National Research Institute, Poland
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