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Methods of soundscape study
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The sound is the subject of interest for many various scientific disciplines, i.e. acoustics, cultural anthropology, landscape architecture, ethnology, aesthetics, geography, medicine, musicology, psychology, sociology, and urban planning. Researches and using of sound and music in various aspects have become more popular lately. In many countries there are undertaken studies of soundscape, and despite of their fast development they encounter some difficulties, which are the consequence of interdisciplinary character. The aim of the paper is presenting exemplary research approaches in studies of sound in the landscape at the point of view of geographer or representative of complex discipline concerning the nature and also culture. In the cultural and urban studies there are some sociological methods: semantic differential, mental map, questionnaire, and interviews (oral history). In the landscape ecology studies landscape preferences are analyzed, and estimation of perceptivebehavioral values is prepared. This estimation method points out some preferences and attractiveness of landscape for people, and it can be readable as richness of feelings and diversity of stimuli, for example sound ones. Special attention should be paid on holistic methods, connected with landscape researches within landscape character assessment with identification of special landscape features, and description of type and conditions of introduced changes and investment development. Sound effects landscape, it forms landscape character.
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Bibliogr. 35 poz., rys.
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