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Odrodzenie astronomii ptolemejskiej we Włoszech w XIV-XV w. Wpływ na wczesne prace Kopernika tablice planetarne w uppsalskim „zeszycie” Kopernika (kodeks Copernicana 4)

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The renaissance of ptolemaic astronomy in Italy in the 14th and 15th centuries. Its influence on the early works by Copernicus the planetary tables in the Copernicus’s "notebook”. (codex Copernicana 4)
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One of the most interesting codices from Copernicus’s book collection preserved at the University Library (Carolina Rediviva) in Uppsala, shelf mark Copemicana 4, contains, apart from the incunabula editions of the Alphonsine astronomical tables and Regiomontanus’s Tabulae directionum, also the planetary tables (Tabulae latitudinum planetarum) written down by Copernicus on attached sheets of paper - the so called „Uppsala notebook“ - bound together with the prints materials. The codex was of the most important tools used by Copernicus in his work, beginning from his studies at the University of Cracow (1491-1495?) until almost the end of his life. As for the handwritten tables of the latitude of planets, being a testimony of Copernicus’s early astronomical interests, they constitute an important source for the study of the reception of Ptolemy’s mathematical astronomy in the Renaissance Europe, on the one hand, and of the genesis of Copernicus’s heliocentric system on the other. The research on the sources of „Copernicus’s“ tables was conducted in Cracow and in Italy (astronomical manuscripts from the circle of the University of Padua). It confirmed that Copernicus rearranged the tables of the latitudes of planets known in the 15th century as the tables by Giovanni Bianchini (ca. 1400 - ca. 1470) an astronomer from Ferrara. Actually, Bianchini himself derived them from the tables by Giovanni de Dondi (d. 1389), an astronomer from Padua. Finally, most probably, de Dondi based his tables not directly on Ptolemy’s tables but on the tables calculated by Al-Battani (ca. 850-929) on the base of the Ptolemean parameters, which had been known in Europe since the 12th century, thanks to the translation from Arabic into Latin of Al-Battani’s Opus astronomicum.
  • Warszawa
  • 1 L.A. Birkenmajer: Mikołaj Kopernik, Część pierwsza. Studya nad pracami Kopernika oraz materyały biograficzne, Kraków 1900 s. 26-69, 154-210.
  • 2 P. Czartoryski : The Library of Copernicus, w: Science and History. Studies in Honor of Edward Rosen. „Studia Copemicana” XVI, Wrocław 1978, s. 366.
  • 3 G. Rosińska: Kwestia „krakowskich autografów" Kopernika w kodeksie Copemicana 4 Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Uppsali. „Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki”, t. 46 (2001) s. 71-94.
  • 4 G. Rosińska: Identyfikacja „szkolnych tablic astronomicznych” Kopernika. „Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki”, t. 29 (1984) s. 637-644.
  • 5 N. M. Swerdlow, O. Neugebauer: Mathematical Astronomy in Copernicus’s De revolutionibus. Part 1. New York 1984, s. 483-537.
  • 6 Campanus of Novara and Medieval Planetary Theory. Theorica planetarum. Ed. with an Introduction, English Translation and Commentary by F.S. Benjamin , Jr. and G. J. Toomer, Marison, Milwaukee, and London 1971, s. 51.
  • 7 Kodeks Vat. Lat. 3118. Astrarium skonstruowane Giovanniego dei Dondi nie ilustrowało jednak ruchu planet w szerokości. E. Poulle: Equatoires et horlogerie planétaire du XIIIe au XVIe siecle. Genève Paris (Droz, Champion) 1980 T. 1 s. 511-550; T. 2 fïg. 125—143
  • 8 L. A. Birkenmajer, Krakowskie tablice syzygiów dla r. 1379 i 1380. Przyczynek do dziejów astronomii w Polsce wXIV wieku, [w:] Rozprawy Akademii Umiejętności, seriali, Wydz. Matematyczno-Przyrodniczy 1 (1891) s. 261-285.
  • 9 G. Rosińska: Scientific Writings and Astronomical Tables in Cracow. A Census o f Manuscript Sources (XIVh-XVFh Centuries), Wroclaw 1984 (Studia Copemicana, vol. XXII), nr 6 i nr 58
  • 10 Statuta nec non Liber promotionum philosophorum ordinis in Universitate Studiorum Jagiełłonica ab anno 1402 ad annum 1849, wyd. J. Muczkowski, Cracoviae, 1.1,1849, s. XII
  • 11 G. Rosińska, Scientific Writings, cz. II, s. 463-475 oraz numery 1331 i 1642.
  • 12 G. Rosińska: Scientific Writings, cz. II, s. 509 – 519
  • 13 J. Dobrzycki: The Tabulae Resolutae [w:] De Astronomia Alphonsi Regis, pod red. M. Comes , R. Puig , J . Samsó , Barcelona 1987, s. 71-77.
  • 14 G. Rosińska: Scientific Writings, cz. II, s. 461-509.
  • 15 L. A. Birkenmajer: Mikołaj Kopernik, s. 26-69, 154-210.
  • 16 O. Neugebauer: Three Copernican Tables, „Centaurus”, 12 (1967) s. 97-106.
  • 17 J. Dobrzycki: Uwagi o szwedzkich zapiskach Mikołaja Kopernika, „Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki”, 18 (1973), s. 485—494.
  • 18 J. Dobrzycki: One Copernican Table, „Centaurus”, 29 (1986), s. 36-39.
  • 19 J. Dobrzycki: Uwagi o szwedzkich zapiskach, s. 485-494.
  • 20 L. A. Birkenmajer: Mikołaj Kopernik, s. 154-210.
  • 21 N. M. Swerdlow : The Derivation and First Draft of Copernicus s Planetary Theory. A Translation of the Commentariolus with Commentary. „Proc. of the American Philosophical Society” Vol. 117 (1973), s. 428-429.
  • 22 G. Rosińska: Identyfikacja „szkolnych tablic astronomicznych", s. 638, przypis 6.
  • 23 J. Zatheya: Analiza i historia, s. 19
  • 24 O. Neugebauer: A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy, t. I, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1975, s. 206nn
  • 25 N. M. Swerdlow: The Derivation, s. 425
  • 26 M. Curtze : Reliquiae Copemicanae, Leipzig 1875.
  • 27 L. A. Birkenmajer, Mikołaj Kopernik, s. 180.
  • 28 J. Dobrzycki, Uwagi o szwedzkich zapiskach, s. 489.
  • 29 N. Swerdlow, The Derivation, s. 487.
  • 30 N. M. Swerdlow , O. Neugebauer , Mathematical Astronomy in Copernicus s De revolutionibus. Part 1., s. 49.
  • 31 G. Rosińska, Scientific Writings, cz. II, s. 519-521.
  • 32 G. Rosińska: Giovanni Bianchini - matematyk i astronom XV wieku. „Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki”, T. 26 (1981), nr 3-4, s. 567-568.
  • 33 Tablice planetarne Prosdocima dei Beldomandi, Bibl. Vaticana, rkp. Vat. Urb. 268.
  • 34 Iohannes Blanchinus: Tabulae planetarum, S. Bevilaqua, Venetiis, 1495.
  • 35 G. Federici Vescovini: Bianchini Giovanni [w:] Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, t. 10, 1968, s. 194-196.
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