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Survey on the nucleate pool boiling of hydrogen and its limits

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Nucleate pool boiling is a very efficient transfer regime with low temperature gradients, bounded between two heat flux values and which border transitions to other regimes, this phenomenon is well framed with correlations. Our study aims to clarify the applicability of this regime to liquid hydrogen and to develop reliable correlations for a useful and qualitative agreement. An exhaustive review on the nucleate pool boiling of hydrogen and the limits of this regime, whether are the onset nucleate boiling (ONB) and the critical heat flux (CHF) was made, allowing the collection of more than 1400 points from experimental setups, highlighting a variety of parameters. Five predictive correlations were drawn from the literature, graphical and statistical comparisons were made, two in five reveal acceptable results. After analysis of the experimental data, new correlations were developed and compared with the data collected, convincing results were obtained and discussed. A simple form was expressed for the heat flux (...), shows better predicted values; convincing results of the (CHF) have been found on modified correlation, and the CHF value reaches a maximum of 148×103 W/m² for a reduced pressure at 0.35. A nucleate boiling correlation suitable for hydrogen has been developed.
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Bibliogr. 55 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
  • Faculty of Mechanics, Gaseous Fuels and Environment Laboratory, University of Sciences and Technology of Oran Mohamed Boudiaf (USTO-MB), El Mnaouer, BP1505, Bir El Djir 31000, Oran, Algeria
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