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Effect of ‘Regent’ grapevine rootstock type on energy potential parameters

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The paper presents the possibilities of energy management of residues from the production of ‘Regent’ grapevines. Field tests were conducted under conditions of temperate climate in 2022 on six types of rootstocks viz: 101-14, 125 AA, 161-49, 5 BB, SO4, SORI, the control were ungrafted vines growing on their own roots. The study analysed the following crop parameters, i.e. number and mass of grapes, number and mass of berries; quality parameters of woody shoots. Technical and elemental analysis was performed, and the heat of combustion and calorific value were determined to define fuel quality parameters. In addition, emission factors of CO, CO2, SO2, NOx and ash were estimated to demonstrate the degree of impact of potential bio-residue from the combustion process. An assessment was made on the basis of stoichiometric equations of flue gas composition, as well as theoretical oxygen demand and total fuel gas volume. The study showed that cultivation on 125 AA rootstock is characterised by obtaining significantly the highest yield, shoot mass and bio-residues suitability for energy purposes. The research showed that the most effective in practical cultivation is the use of SORI and SO4 rootstocks in cultivation, which are characterised by average parameters of obtained yield, growth value and fuel.
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Bibliogr. 38 poz., tab., wykr.
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  • University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Department of Power Engineering and Transportation, Głęboka St, 28, 20-612 Lublin, Poland
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