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Preliminary assessment of the AGNPS model applicability for estimation of nitrogen and phosphorus loads from agriculture catchments
Języki publikacji
The aim of the paper is to assess the possibility of AGNPS model application to simulate pollutants loads leaching from the catchment. The evaluation was based on the Mala Welna River catchment down to Owieczki cross-section with an area of 36.9 km2. About 80% of the land within the catchment is under agricultural activities. AGNPS model (Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution Model) was developed by ARS-USDA (Agricultural Research Service - United State Department of Agriculture). AGNPS is an event-based model that simulates surface runoff, sediment, nitrogen and phosphorus transport from agricultural watersheds. (MW)AGNPS is integrated with MapWindow, an Open Source GIS which runs under the Windows operating system. The materials used in these study were topographic maps on a scale of 1:10 000, digital elevation model (DEM - TIN) at the scale 1:10000, and soil maps on a scale 1:25 000. The AGNPS model was calibrated and validated for the study area on the basis of daily measurements of precipitation at the Kiszkowio and concentrations of nitrate and phosphate in the Mala Welna River at Owieczki corss-section. Preliminary calibration and verification of AGNPS model showed that the model cannot currently be used to estimate the nitrogen and phosphorus loads leaching from the catchment. The final model calibration and verification can be carried out on the basis of continuous measurements of precipitation, discharges and concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in river. The main reason of uncertainties in estimating the loads of nitrogen and phosphorus leaching from the catchment is the lack of detailed data on fertilizer rates and terms of use them. Other parameters that require analysis were uncontrolled point sources of pollutants and trough flow lakes that affect the transport.
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Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 10 poz., rys.
- Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy , Poznań
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