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Influence of Maintenance on the Performance of a Wind farm

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Wpływ serwisowania na wydajność farm wiatrowych
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This article focuses on the modeling and simulation of the performance of a wind farm with the objective of defining an optimal maintenance. Considered as an alternative source of clean energy, it is still subject to hourly or seasonal variations in speed and wind direction. Therefore, turbines undergo random charge unlike most industrial machines operating under more or less static. The task of forecasting failures becomes complex due to the random load. The process of decision making regarding the choice of schedule and the type of maintenance applied, these in turn are challenges that must be overcome with adequate modeling of the wind turbines operation. The simulation in Matlab environment based on a deterministic optimization model will contribute to the definition of a maintenance strategy to even enable greater availability and therefore an increased power output.
W artykule skupiono się na zagadnieniu modelowania i symulacji farmy wiatrowej na potrzeby optymalnego serwisowania. Ze względu na specyfikę pracy turbin wiatrowych, niejednostajności wytwarzania energii, zmiany obciążenia, konieczne jest przewidywanie potencjalnych uszkodzeń. W tym celu opracowano model symulacyjny w programie Matlab, który umożliwia zarówno analizę utrzymania i serwisowania, jak i dzięki temu, zwiększenie otrzymywanej mocy.
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Bibliogr. 15 poz., schem., wykr.
  • Laboratory of Energetic-Mechanic and Engineering, FSI, Mhamed Bougara University of Boumerdes, Algeria
  • Laboratory of Energetic-Mechanic and Engineering, FSI, Mhamed Bougara University of Boumerdes, Algeria
  • Laboratory of Energetic-Mechanic and Engineering, FSI, Mhamed Bougara University of Boumerdes, Algeria
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