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Statistical analysis of accidents at work in the selected manufacturing enterprise

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Purpose: The aim of the work is to analyze the accidents at work in the selected manufacturing enterprise from automotive industry. Methodology: The research includes three workplaces: warehouseman, machine operator and transport worker. The accidents investigation was based on the methodology and work accident model developed by the EU Statistical Office (Eurostat) as a part of the European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW) project. This model includes three phases: pre-accident, accident and post-accident. Findings: In the years 2019-21 in the selected workstations there were noted 25 accidents at work (12 accidents in 2019, 8 accidents in 2020 and 5 accidents in 2021). The accidents at work were analyzed taking into consideration: the type of injury and the part of body injured, the physical activity at the time of the accident, an event that is a deviation from normal practice, and causes of the accident. Practical implications: The results of the analysis allow to introduce suitable corrective actions, e.g. 5S method, ‘shoptalks’ about occupational health and safety, suggestion submission program, etc., what influenced the reduction of accidents at work in 2020 and 2021. Originality/value: The use of statistics for accident at work allows to evaluate the safety state in an enterprise. The statistics also allows to formulate various factors that can be used to evaluate accident rates, workstations with a special risk of accident, realization of various comparative analyzes in the area of investigation of accident situations, and corrective actions towards hazards reduction.
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Bibliogr. 22 poz.
  • Silesian University of Technology, Department of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials
  • Silesian University of Technology, Department of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials
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