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Objectives: This article intends to review the strategies for coping with stress and psychological defense mechanisms. Method: Research Goal: to determine the relationship between stress coping strategies and defense mechanisms, among students (the Junkers).Target Group: the Junkers of the National Defense Academy of Georgia. Hypothesis: It is assumed that Junkers may have different stress coping strategies than civilian students, depending on their activities. Their defense mechanisms may be different too depending on the academic year. Data Collection Procedure: The research was conducted in April 2023 on 289 members of the Junker Training Battalion of the Academy, which includes 40 female Junkers. These individuals receive professional military education and participate in practical activities, unlike civilian students. The research focused on the age group of 18-22 years and analyzed the results of a survey conducted on 283 respondents. In the research we used the following methods: The Lazarus/Folkman test adapted to the Georgian population for the study of stress-coping strategies was used as a research tool; In the case for both civilian and military students, an adapted Georgian version of the Kellerman-Plutchik test "Lifestyle Index" was used to study psychological defense mechanisms (Plutchik, Kellerman, 1980: 3-33). Results: After analyzing the conducted research, it has become evident that the tests are reliable in terms of total reliability as well as each component. In our study(In military institutions) the Cronbach's alpha coefficient is 0.743, which confirms the reliability of both individual subscales and the total scale. We can say that our hypothesis was confirmed. According to the research, a difference was found between civilian students and Junkers in terms of the relationship between stress-coping strategies and defense mechanisms and their use. In addition, we obtained different results with Junkers according to courses, gender, and specialties, which has been empirically confirmed and is a good prerequisite for planning future research. Conclusions: According to the research, a difference was found between civilian students and Junkers in terms of the relationship between stress-coping strategies and defense mechanisms and their use.
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Bibliogr. 14 poz., wykr.
- Scientific-Research Center, National Defense Academy of Georgia, Georgia
- Psychologist of the Junker Training Battalion, National Defence Academy of Georgia, Georgia
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Opracowanie rekordu ze środków MNiSW, umowa nr SONP/SP/546092/2022 w ramach programu "Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki" - moduł: Popularyzacja nauki i promocja sportu (2024).
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