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Historical land use conversion in Kraków’s metropolitan zone

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Land use conversion is a dynamic process that occurs all over the world. The scale of this process is global, and depends on related driving forces. There are numerous case studies of land use changes but only a few synthesise the results. The aim of the study is to analyse historical land use conversions in two villages located in peri-urban areas of the city of Kraków, and in particular, to indicate the directions of these changes associated with the distance of the given village to Kraków. The examples of two villages were selected so as to indicate the direction of changes in the immediate vicinity of the city as well as in a zone further outside the city. The aim is also to present a possible approach to monitoring the long-term development of these areas. As regards Poland, the expansion of urban pattern of land development outside the administrative boundaries of cities results in direct interference in agricultural production space, and not infrequently in areas having particular natural and cultural values. This is also the case within the zone of the direct impact of the city of Kraków on areas located to the south of the urban agglomeration. The article confirms that the changes involve the conversion of agricultural areas into built-up and urbanised areas. Nevertheless, the study results indicate an unexpected increase in the area of wasteland in close vicinity of the city, despite soil conditions being favourable to pursuing agricultural activities. It is a long-term study, which considers precise maps showing land use structure. It is the first step towards designing multi-scale studies that would consider land use changes in the neighbourhood of metropolitan areas.
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