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Key factors enhancing the electrical properties of nanofluids. A mini-review of the applications in the energy-related sectors

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The article presents a mini-review of key factors significantly affecting the electrical properties of nanofluids. One-step and two-step approaches, together with examples of vacuum sputtering-based techniques, chemical reduction, and mechanical mixing techniques, were explained. The crucial factors enhancing the electric and dielectric responses, such as nanofiller concentration, its type, geometry, uniformity of distribution in the base liquid as well as the base liquid’s type, temperature, chemical stability, etc., were analyzed. Special attention was paid to the impact of the parameters on electrical conductivity, permittivity, and dielectric losses. The selected models for nanofluid’s conductivity prediction have been presented. The potential and implemented applications of nanofluids in the energy-related industry branches with reference to their electrical properties have been reviewed. Examples of applications in power transformers, solar cell production processes, nanoelectrofuel flow batteries, and other electrotechnologies have been analyzed.
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Bibliogr. 66 poz., rys., tab., wykr., wz.
  • Lublin University of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Superconductivity Technologies, 38A Nadbystrzycka St., 20-618 Lublin, Poland
  • Lublin University of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Superconductivity Technologies, 38A Nadbystrzycka St., 20-618 Lublin, Poland
  • Lublin University of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Superconductivity Technologies, 38A Nadbystrzycka St., 20-618 Lublin, Poland
  • Environment and Energy Laboratory, 25-39 Suizenji-Park, 862-0956 Kumamoto, Japan
  • Sojo University, Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, 4-22-1 Ikeda, 860-0082 Kumamoto, Japan
  • University of the Ryukyus, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,1 Senbaru, Nishihara, 903-0213 Okinawa, Japan
  • Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, Department of Systems of Automatic Control and Electric Drives, 20 Pershotravneva St., 39600 Kremenchuk, Ukraine
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