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Evaluation of harvest waste in soilless agriculture tomato cultivation

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In this study, it was carried out in order to determine the amount of plant nutrients that can be obtained from the wastes of tomato plants grown with soilless agriculture technique in the greenhouse and to make suggestions for evaluation possibilities. For this purpose, cocopeat and plant samples were taken from the soilless greenhouse where tomatoes were grown at the end of production. The stem, leaf, fruit and root of the collected cocopeat and plant samples were separated and N, P, K, analyzes were made in these separated samples. According to the results obtained, the amount of N that can be added to the soil with the cocopeat wastes is determined as 10.58 kg, the amount of P 0.09 kg and the amount of K 0.52 kg for one decare area. The total N amount that can be gained from the roots, stems, leaves and fruits of the waste tomato plant per decare area was determined as 6.65-11.97 kg, P content 1.22-2.52 kg and K amount between 5.10-18.21 kg. Considering the distribution of the amount of NPK that can be added to the soil according to the plant parts. On average, 4.18 kg in root, 2.50 kg in stem, 7.58 kg in leaf and 7.46 kg in fruit were found to be wasted due to not evaluating plant wastes. The organ with the highest N content among plant parts is the leaf, and 42.73% of the total N is found in the leaf. P and K are mostly found in fruits. In addition, 41.73% of P and 36.62% of K are excreted with fruit. It will be possible to improve the soils with insufficient organic matter content throughout Turkey by composting the wastes from greenhouses. In addition, it has been determined that these wastes are very important in terms of reducing the visual pollution caused by these wastes, harmful emissions that will arise as a result of burning and bringing them into the economy.
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  • Hakan BAŞAK Kırşehir Ahi Evran University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, 40100-Kırşehir, Turkey
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