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Organisational Citizenship Behaviours and job burnout among employees of nonprofit organisations

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Organisational citizenship behaviours (OCBs) are behaviours that go beyond the formal role and are organizationally functional. They may be linked, among others, to job burnout. This relationship has been studied in for-profit and public organisations. No such studies have been found for nonprofit entities operating in different areas. The aim of the article is to verify whether there is a correlation between job burnout and organisational citizenship behaviours among employees of nonprofits. To this end, survey research was conducted in 2022. A statistical analysis of the obtained data was performed using the Statistica software. It was found that the relationship under analysis does not occur in NPOs.
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Bibliogr. 133 poz., tab.
  • Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Zielona Góra, Poland,
  • Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Zielona Góra, Poland,
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