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Purpose: The aim of this article is to analyse and evaluate the use of financial-accounting outsourcing services in the management of enterprises. With the development of financial-accounting services, the application of elements of automation and robotisation in financial-accounting IT programmes, the basic function of accounting - the information function -is gaining new importance. Methodology/approach: In the course of research work, studies of Polish and foreign literature were carried out in the field of: management, accounting, the corporate sector, outsourcing, and IT systems used in accounting. A CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interview) survey questionnaire was used as a research tool in the empirical study. The survey was conducted with two groups of respondents: accountants preparing and providing information from the financial accounting subsystem, and managers of enterprises - recipients of information. Findings: The results obtained cannot be generalised, but they confirm the advantages and disadvantages of using outsourcing services, set new directions for the entrepreneur's communication with the accounting office, and the informational function of accounting in the process of outsourcing financial and accounting services is also gaining new importance. Practical implications: Development of new channels of communication between the entrepreneur with the accounting office. Originality/value: The results of the survey provide a new perspective on outsourcing services in the context of the development of modern technologies and new communication and data processing channels and data processing.
Opis fizyczny
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