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Wpływ warunków meteorologicznych na kształtowanie się odpływu powierzchniowego na Lodowcu Waldemara (NW Spitsbergen) latem 1997 roku

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Influence of meteorological conditions to the surface run-off on the Waldemar Glacier (NW Spitsbergen) in the summer of 1997
X Seminarium Meteorologii i Klimatologii Polarnej, Toruń, 30 listopada 2000r.
Języki publikacji
In the summer season 1997 during the 13rd Toruń Polar Expedition research works were carried out to investigate the dynamics of water run-off in a selected supraglacial stream on the Waldemar Glacier in comparison to the course of meteorological conditions and ablation (figs l and 3). We have tried to present also the temporal and spatial changes in the structure of surface run-off on the glacier. Over the Kaffiöyra region in the whole summer season, especially in August, cyclonic weather dominated. Its characteristic features were: small sunshine duration (16.6 percent of the possible value), high cloudiness (8.5 on the scale l-10), high frequency of strong winds (mean velocity 5.4 m/s), and very abundant and intensive atmospheric precipitation (sum 122.5 mm) (fig. 2). The ablation is considerably differentiated spatially and temporary. In the studied period its highest value was observed below 250 m above sea level, and the lowest one on 430 m above sea level (19 cm e.w.). On 150 m above sea level, at the hydrometric stand, the ablation was 119 cm e.w. The gradient of ablation varied from 0.3 cm to 3.6 cm e.w. per 100 m height in the selected periods (Sobota 1998). The three big streams marked on fig. 3 (A. B and e) have the greatest role in the formation of the surface drainage system of the Waldemar Glacier. Daily measurements of the discharge intensity were made on the 508.6 m long supraglacial stream. The stationary measurement point was on 147m above sea level, about 160 m above the place where the stream leaves the snout of the glacier. The spatial differentiation induced the authors to distinguish five glacio-hydrological zones on the Waldemar Glacier: intensive ablation. Organized run-off, snow patches, slush, and dry snow (fig, 4, tab. l). The main criteria to distinguish the individual zones were the followings: morphology of the glacial surface, pollution degree of the snow by moraine material, and types of the surface run-off. Table 2 presents the correlation coefficients between the meteorological parameters and ablation and the discharge in the analysed stream. In most of the cases the correlation between the individual parameters is high (r > 0.77). The highest values of the correlation coefficient occur between the discharge and the course of temperature and ablation.
Opis fizyczny
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