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The three spine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus is a small omnivorous, wildly distributed fish. In this study, food uptake and body condition of three spine stickleback, from the Gulf of Gdansk eulitoral was investigated. Samples were taken from three locations of the Gulf of Gdańsk: in vicinities of Sopot, Chałupy and Hel. Copepods were the most quantitive food components in the three spine stickleback stomachs. In spring, at Hel station -Harpacticoida and in Sopot, crustacean and fish eggs, were dominating as a fish prey. During summer, Calanoida were most abundant in stomachs collected from fish caught in Chałupy, fish eggs and Calanoida in those from Hel station. In stomachs of fish from Sopot location most common prey were Cladocera. Comparison of stomach content to food base and Fulton’s body condition index revealed that the three spine stickleback uses available food base in efficient way.
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Bibliogr. 58 poz., rys., wykr.
- Department of Marine Biology and Ecology, Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdansk, Al. M. Piłsudskiego 46, 81-378 Gdynia, Poland
- Department of Marine Biology and Ecology, Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdansk, Al. M. Piłsudskiego 46, 81-378 Gdynia, Poland
- Inland Fisheries Institute, Department of Migratory Fishes, Rutki 49, 83-330 Żukowo, Poland
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