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Trendy temperatury powietrza oraz liczby dni mroźnych i z przejściem temperatury przez 0°C w Arktyce Atlantyckiej i Syberyjskiej

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The trends in air temperature and the number of ice and freeze-thaw days in the Atlantic and Siberian sector of Arctic
Języki publikacji
Opracowanie dotyczy oceny zmienności wybranych charakterystyk termicznych na 4 wybranych stacjach meteorologicznych w obrębie atlantyckiego i syberyjskiego sektora Arktyki w okresie 1979-2013. Arktykę Atlantycką reprezentuje stacja w Hornsundzie (SW Spitsbergen) oraz w Danmarkshavn na wschodnim wybrzeżu Grenlandii. W pobliżu granicy obu regionów znajduje się stacja Dikson. Natomiast Arktykę Syberyjską dobrze reprezentuje stacja Ostrov Kotielnyj w archipelagu Wysp Nowosyberyjskich. Zmienność i trendy średniej temperatury powietrza oraz liczby dni mroźnych (Tmax<0°C) i dni z przejściem temperatury przez 0°C (Tmin≤0°C ^Tmax>0°C) przedstawiono w ujęciu rocznym i sezonowym. Znaczne ocieplenie w świetle średniej rocznej temperatury powietrza z trendami rzędu od +0,6°C do 1,0°C/10 lat znajduje odzwierciedlenie w tendencji spadkowej liczby dni mroźnych w obu regionach. Natomiast odmiennie kształtują się tendencje w występowaniu dni z przejściem temperatury przez 0°C, które są wzrostowe w Arktyce Atlantyckiej i spadkowe w Arktyce Syberyjskiej.
An increase in the air temperature is an evident manifestation of contemporary climate change. In the Arctic this trend began to be significant in the middle of the nineties and has been accompanied by significant changes in the frequency of thermally characteristic days. This paper discusses the directions and the rate of changes in the average annual and seasonal air temperatures, the number of ice days (Tmax<0°C) and the number of days with freeze-thaw events (Tmin≤0°C^Tmax>0°C) in both the Atlantic Arctic and The Siberian Arctic in the period 1979-2013. Four meteorological stations were considered: Danmarkshavn, Hornsund, Dikson, Ostrov Kotielnyj. In this paper annual courses of the above mentioned characteristics of air temperature are recognized and their trends are calculated from annual and seasonal perspectives. Trend magnitude was assessed with least square method and its significance was tested with Mann-Kendall test. Trends were calculated for several long-term periods starting with the 30-year period of 1979-2008 followed by further periods of which each was lengthened by a year in relation to preceding period, e.g. 1979-2009, 1979-2010 etc. Such an approach enables the trends stability assessment. At the stations considered average monthly air temperature was varying in the range from about -30°C in February at Ostrov Kotielnyj station to slightly more than +5°C in July and August at Dikson station. The mildest thermal conditions characterize Hornsund station where average monthly temperature in winter months reaches about -10°C and during four months (June-September) it is above 0°C. Statistically significant increase in the average annual air temperature of magnitude of +1.0°C or +0.8°C per 10 years was found at all the stations. Trends in the seasonal air temperature were also positive however not always significant. The strongest increase of the rate of more than +2.0°C per 10 yrs was found at Hornsund in winter for the period of 1979-2013. Spring air temperature showed significant increasing trends for all of the long-term periods at the station in Siberian Arctic (Ostrov Kotielnyj) and Dikson. At both Ostrov Kotielnyj and Danmarkshavn stations significant increase of temperature in this season started from the period of 1979-2010. Trends in autumn temperature were significant and stable at most of the stations. At Dikson station exclusively an increase in temperature reached statistical significance slightly later - in the period of 1979-2011. Significant changes in average air temperature caused changes in the frequency of thermally characteristic days. Trends in the frequency of both ice days and days with freeze-thaw events were less significant. The frequency of ice days has been diminishing at all of the stations but significant were mostly annual trends. Significant decrease of the ice days was found at Ostrov Kotielnyj and Danmarkshavn stations in spring and at Hornsund station in summer. In summer significant were also trends for the longest of the multiyear periods analysed at Ostrov Kotielnyj and Danmarkshavn stations. In autumn downward trends were stable at Ostrov Kotielnyj station. At other stations trends in this index were significant only for the period of 1979-2013. A direction of trends in the frequency of days with freeze-thaw event is less stable. In the case of annual index values trends were negative at Ostrov Kotielnyj and Dikson stations whereas at other stations they were positive. Trend directions in the frequency of days with Tmin≤0°C^Tmax>0°C varied depending on season. In spring and autumn trends were positive at majority of the stations. However, they were significant only in spring at Ostrov Kotielnyj and Danmarkshavn stations. In summer trends in this index were negative. This decrease was the strongest and the most pronounced at Dikson station.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 24 poz., rys., tab.
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  • Katedra Klimatologii, Wydział Nauk o Ziemi, Uniwersytet Śląski, ul. Będzińska 60, 41-200 Sosnowiec
  • Katedra Klimatologii, Wydział Nauk o Ziemi, Uniwersytet Śląski, ul. Będzińska 60, 41-200 Sosnowiec
  • Katedra Klimatologii, Wydział Nauk o Ziemi, Uniwersytet Śląski, ul. Będzińska 60, 41-200 Sosnowiec
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