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Animal Protection Devices UOZ – an answer to the global problem of animal-train collisions

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The probability of collisions with animals and their consequences depend on several factors, of which the speed and design of the train are very important. The problem of safety related to collisions concerns much more passenger trains than freight trains. Data obtained from carriers unambiguously indicate the growing scale of the problem – the number of incidents increases every year, as well as the related costs of rolling stock repairs, delays in train traffic, passenger confidence loss or costs of lowering the level of railway traffic safety. Collision maps made on the basis of these data should be a prelude to designing a system of preventive measures implemented in places with the highest risk. We should not wait with the introduction of preventive measures to a railway disaster. To protect sections of railway lines with an increased risk of collisions with animals the best available solution is the system of UOZ animal protection devices. This system, protecting both trains and animals from the effects of collisions, is still the most innovative and modern solution on a global scale. The growing interest of foreign railway authorities and our readiness to offer a state-of-the-art, proven system gives the opportunity to introduce the Polish invention to railway lines all around the world.
Opis fizyczny
  • NEEL sp. z o.o.
  • NEEL sp. z o.o.
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