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Chapter 2. Optimization of unconventional reservoir development by determination of well spacing
Języki publikacji
The determination of production well spacing is one of the basic problems of hydrocarbon reservoirs' development optimisation that is particularly important in the situation of unconventional reservoirs, such as shale formations, for which the process of drainage is of the transient type throughout the entire period of production. The analysis of the size and effectiveness of the recovery of wells' drainage areas in such reservoirs, is a very complex issue and cannot only rely on the measurement data, which is necessarily limited in domestic practice. In the studies presented in this chapter we applied simulation reservoir models that ensure the possibility of analysing a broad spectrum of both reservoir conditions (geological parameters) and of completion methods for unconventional reservoirs. First, we constructed and calibrated simulation models of a selected, representative shale formation. Then we defined a set of simulation models for synthetic formations with variable parameters of both types. To determine the size of the drainage zone for a single production well, we proposed a practical definition of such a zone and found multivariate correlations of this size, with geological parameters and parameters of formation completion. Based on the correlations obtained from numerous scenarios simulations of gas production from the shale formations, we worked out a numerical algorithm using these correlations and implemented the algorithm in a software tool. The program was thoroughly tested and its effectiveness was discussed in detail. Finally, a general optimization procedure for the production well spacing in shale formations using the generated software was devised and presented as a conclusion of the studies reported in this chapter.
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Opracowanie optymalnych koncepcji zagospodarowania złóż niekonwencjonalnych = Optimum concepts of unconventional reservoir development : praca zbiorowa pod red. Jana Lubasia. T. 1
Opracowanie rekordu w ramach umowy 509/P-DUN/2018 ze środków MNiSW przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę (2019).
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