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Sphenopsid and fern remains from the Upper Triassic of Krasiejów (SW Poland)

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Hydrophilic elements, such as sphenopsids and fems, are rare in the flora of the Krasiejów site and they are poorly preserved. One sphenopsid species, Neocalamites merianii, was recognised. It is preserved as impressions, flattened casts, moulds and isolated leaves. So far, only one small fern specimen, determined as Sphenopteris sp., has been found. These elements probably were transported to the site of deposition and did not grow where they were buried.
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Bibliogr. 100 poz., rys., wykr.
  • Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Faculty of Biology, Institute of Botany, Department of Taxonomy, Phytogeography andPalaeobotany, Gronostajowa 3, 30-387 Kraków, Poland
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