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Spatial aspects of ecommerce in the European Union: prohibitions to geo-block or to discriminate based on geographic location

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Geo-blocking are practices undertaken by sellers using technological means or otherwise, the result of which is to prevent, limit or differentiate the conditions of access to goods and services depending on the country or region of the customer’s origin. The Geo-blocking Regulation prohibits unjustified geo-blocking and other forms of discriminating practices based on the customers’ nationality, place of residence or place of establishment within the internal market. The Regulation covers three main types of practices: a) blocking or limiting access or automatically redirecting the user to another version of an online interface, b) applying different conditions of sale for the goods or services, and c) applying different payment conditions, based on the buyer’s location or nationality. The Regulation is to be applied in the Member States, and they took different approach to it . This paper aims to present the current legal framework as well as required changes to ensure it effectiveness and increase its impact on the internal market.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 21 poz.
  • Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Faculty of Law and Administration, Warsaw, Poland
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