Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
Innovative technical solution for the extraction of hydrocarbons in shallow freezing marine aquatoriums
Geopetrol 2010 : nowe metody i technologie zagospodarowania złóż i wydobycia węglowodorów w warunkach lądowych i morskich : międzynarodowa konferencja naukowo-techniczna : Zakopane, 20--23.09.2010
Języki publikacji
The development of the Arctic shallow waters, freezing for a long period (up to 10 months), during the navigation period is practically impossible by traditional jack-up drilling rigs (jack-up). In this regard, a new generation of jack-up rig that could drill year-round production wells is suggested, thus accelerating the timing of development of these deposits. It is proposed to create a somewhat altered modification of dumb jack-up with U-shaped deck and mining hole in the center under ice-bearing of 15-20 m diameter support block (SB) designed for drilling 7-8 wells and that during transportation of the vessel to the drilling point is set on the deck. The very deck has a round cut hole of SB size for at the drilling point it could sink to the seabed and consolidate at the bottom with the piles, after which the jack-up would rise above the water level to a safe altitude with traditional lifting devices (PM); and these mechanisms (detachable type) can be installed around the SB, and at the corners of the platform, then they can be dismantled to free up the deck for manufacturing operations. After fixing SB and lifting jack-up the drilling process begins, to be completed by the beginning of navigation, so that, down to the water, with the help of the tug to remove from the vessel the floating gate, and then also with the help of tugboats to get rid of SB by moving in the opposite direction from the tug. After the floating gate is installed in its place and jack-up rig is towed to the dock for the next SB, and the drilling operation may be repeated. The area of SB itself is sufficient for the drill holes and, if conditions permit, plast products can be delivered ashore for further technological operations or to the nearest technology platform. In addition, in the case of technological necessity drilling platform place can be taken by technological to conduct all operations necessary to complete the cycle — extraction, processing, production and transportation.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- RGU nefti i gaza im. I. M. Gubkina, Moskva, Rossia
Identyfikator YADDA