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A customer’s possibilities to increase the performance of a service provider by adding value and deepening the partnership in facility management service

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Reliable and good suppliers are an important competitive advantage for a customer and that is why the development of suppliers, improvement of performance and enhancement of customership are also in the interest of the customer. The purpose of this study is to clarify a customer’s possibilities to increase the performance of a service provider and to develop the service process in FM services and thus help to improve partnership development. This research is a qualitative research. The research complements the existing generic model of supplier development towards partnership development by customer and clarifies the special features that facility management services bring to this model. The data has been gathered from interviews of customers and service providers in the facility management service sector. The result is a model of customers’ possibilities to develop the performance of service providers from the viewpoint of value addition and relationship development and in that way ensure added value to the customer and the development of a long-term relationship. The results can be beneficial to customers when they develop the cooperation between the customer and the service provider toward being more strategic and more partnership focused.
  • Department of Civil Engineering, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
  • Department of Civil Engineering, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
  • Department of Management, University of Vaasa, Finland
  • Department of Civil Engineering, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
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