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Assessment of migration conditions for fish swimming through a semi-natural fish pass on the Nidzica River in Bronocice

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Fish passes are essential elements for maintaining continuity for migrating fish. Without them, fish would be unable to undertake migration to satisfy their basic life needs. These devices must meet a range of requirements related to the size of individual fish pass elements and the hydrodynamic parameters of the flowing water. Despite efforts, it is not always possible to meet these requirements. There are many causes of errors in the design and construction of fish passes, and each case should be assessed individually. The most severe consequence of these errors is the obstruction of fish migrating upstream. In this study, an analysis of the permeability of a semi-natural fish pass was conducted for fish. This assessment was carried out using two methods. In the first approach, the required geometric dimensions of the fish pass elements were determined based on the dimensions of individuals living in the river channel. In the second approach, the dimensions were extracted from publications dedicated to slot fish passes, as the studied object resembles such a design. The analysis revealed that the fish pass does not fulfil its intended role. All fish species living in the Nidzica River channel face difficulties in passing through the fish pass, including the brook trout, for which the object is specifically designed. The main errors stem from the design and construction, resulting in exceeded values, primarily in the hydrodynamic parameters, rendering the fish pass impassable. The study also aimed to develop corrective recommendations considering the latest scientific developments.
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Opracowanie rekordu ze środków MNiSW, umowa nr SONP/SP/546092/2022 w ramach programu "Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki" - moduł: Popularyzacja nauki i promocja sportu (2024).
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