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Identification of system-products configurations of milk production development programs by domestic dairy farms

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The scientifically-methodical principles and method of identification of system-products configuration of milk production development programs by domestic dairy farms are worked out. The principles and methods are based on the system and factor approach to the determination of their value, they take into account cause-and-effect relation among the separate objects of configuration and project environment of these programs and they foresee the imitation design of functioning of the marked objects of configuration. It is grounded that identification of system-products configuration of milk production development programs by domestic dairy farms should be performed simultaneously with authentication of systems-foods configuration of feed providing programs of domestic dairy farms. The proposed method of identification of system-products configuration of milk production development programs by domestic dairy farms foresees the realization of nine stages. The procedure was based on system and factor approach and imitation simulation of the functioning of system-products objects of configuration in a changeable project environment. The grounded cause-and-effect relations among the functional indexes of configuration objects of milk production development programs by domestic dairy farms and changeable descriptions of the project environment are the basis of prognostication of resources requirement in separate calendar periods of the functioning of these systems. The cost evaluation of the functioning of system-product development programs of milk production by domestic dairy farms is the basis for the determination of rational (optimal) programs configuration so that the maximal system value of functioning of the marked system is obtained.
  • Department of Project Management and Occupational Safety, Lviv National Agrarian University
  • Department of Project Management and Occupational Safety, Lviv National Agrarian University
  • Department of Project Management and Occupational Safety, Lviv National Agrarian University
  • Department of Project Management and Occupational Safety, Lviv National Agrarian University
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Opracowanie ze środków MNiSW w ramach umowy 812/P-DUN/2016 na działalność upowszechniającą naukę (zadania 2017).
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