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Problem of water scarcity in agriculture – case study of land improvement in Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship

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Today’s agriculture is facing a range of challenges, the most important of which is the adjustment to the changing climate. In this context, water management is particularly vital. Droughts in Poland are becoming more and more frequent. That fact adds to the significance of irrigation and drainage systems. This paper is an attempt at diagnosing the condition of (in 2016) and changes in (over the period of 2006–2016) irrigation and drainage systems in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship (analysed by communes, until 2016 – according to Local Administrative Units – LAU level 2). The multidirectional analysis involves a comprehensive description of ameliorated lands, including the allocation of the EU funds dedicated for the support of flood protection and land improvement ventures. It has been demonstrated that the present condition of land improvement does not reflect the needs of the agriculture in the studied area and that the changes implemented on the ongoing basis fail to make the situation better. In 2016, slightly over 40% of agricultural acreage was ameliorated, while the level at which land improvement needs would be satisfied approximated 70%. In over 1/5 of the ameliorated area, facilities needed reconstruction or modernisation. Drainage systems were in the majority, which indicates that the current needs, i.e. water scarcity, are not addressed.
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