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Barriers to the implementation of projects within scientific and industrial consortia – analysis from the point of view of enterprises

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Purpose: to identify and assess barriers to enterprises within scientific and industrial consortia implementing projects. Design/methodology/approach: this paper presents the results of mixed studies involving preliminary qualitative research in the form of unstructured interviews with project managers implemented within scientific and industrial consortia, followed by quantitative research using a questionnaire among representatives of enterprises from a group of such consortia. Findings: the effect of the research is the identification of key barriers from the point of view of enterprises in the implementation of projects by scientific and industrial consortia. Research limitations/implications: the results of the research will improve our understanding of the barriers encountered by enterprises participating in the implementation of projects within scientific and industrial consortia. The next stage of research should include an assessment of barriers from the point of view of public HEIs participating in the joint implementation of projects by scientific and industrial consortia. Practical implications: the results of the research will contribute to an increase in the absorption capacity of consortia consisting of private enterprises and public universities and may affect the intensification of work aimed at obtaining funds and joint implementation of projects within scientific and industrial consortia. Social implications: the results of the research may help to increase interest in implementing research and development projects by scientific and industrial consortia, which will result in the transfer of modern solutions from the world of science to industry, bringing specific economic and social benefits. Originality/value: to identify key barriers to scientific and industrial consortia implementing projects and the scope for enterprises to eliminate these barriers.
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Bibliogr. 46 poz.
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