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In this paper, the issue of teaching professional aviation subjects in the field of higher education air transport was ad‐dressed. We present some research results in the field of didactics of professional aviation subjects, teaching effectiveness, motivation and evaluation of students in education. In this work we present some approaches to the development of didactics of professional subjects in Slovakia. We state that the subject of didactics is the student, teacher and knowledge forming the didactic tri‐angle. Didactics of professional subjects examines the possibilities of transforming the knowledge of technical scientific disciplines into the content of education, didactic systems, teaching projects and the studentʹs knowledge. We researched the area of didactics of professional aviation subjects with a focus on motivating students to study. We managed to involve a large sample of students in the research, which helped us in‐crease the objectivity of the results. Based on the research results, we recommend some measures to increase the quality of higher education of students in the field of air transport. The motivating goal for our research is to support the quality of education at the Faculty of Aeronautics of the Technical University of Košice.
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Bibliogr. 41 poz., rys.
- Technical University of Košice, Košice, Slovakia
- Technical University of Košice, Košice, Slovakia
- Technical University of Košice, Košice, Slovakia
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Opracowanie rekordu ze środków MEiN, umowa nr SONP/SP/546092/2022 w ramach programu "Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki" - moduł: Popularyzacja nauki i promocja sportu (2022-2023).
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