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A significant limitation to machine tool productivity in high-speed operations is due to inertial vibrations. During strong accelerations, inertial forces generate oscillations that are translated into surface geometrical errors on the machined parts. Machine tools users minimize these problems by reducing machine axes quickness, thus affecting productivity. In this paper the effects of inertial deformations on machine tool accuracy have been studied to evaluate the possibility of adopting a software compensation strategy. The proposed model-based solution, based on a reduced model of the machine tool dynamics, has been tested in a mechatronic simulation environment. In order to meet industrial needs, the compensation scheme has been designed to allow its implementation on standard numerical controllers. A detailed feasibility analysis has been carried out studying all aspects that can potentially impede the application of such approach. Simulations and some preliminary experiment tests prove the effectiveness of the developed technique on a five-axis machining center.
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Bibliogr. 18 poz., tab., rys.
- MUSP - Machine Tool and Production Systems Laboratory , Via Tirotti 9 - Localita Le Mose - 29122 Piacenza, Italy
- ITIA - Institute for Industrial Technologies and Automation CNR, Via Bassini 15 - 20133 Milano, Italy
- ITIA - Institute for Industrial Technologies and Automation CNR, Via Bassini 15 - 20133 Milano, Italy
- MUSP - Machine Tool and Production Systems Laboratory , Via Tirotti 9 - Localita Le Mose - 29122 Piacenza, Italy
- MUSP - Machine Tool and Production Systems Laboratory , Via Tirotti 9 - Localita Le Mose - 29122 Piacenza, Italy
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