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Changes of the Vistula River channel pattern and overbank accumulation rate in the Carpathian Foreland (South Poland) under human impact

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The rate of overbank accumulation in the Vistula floodplain within the Carpathian Foreland has increased since at least the 16th century as a result of drainage basin deforestation (mainly in the Carpathian portion) and agricultural use of this area. However, since the 1850s, additional causes have included deepening of the Vistula channel and its tributaries (mainly the Carpathian ones) initiated by regulation works which delivered additional sediment for overbank accumulation within the inter-embankment zone. Since the 1950s, a rapid decrease in the overbank accumulation rate was noted. This resulted from the retention of the majority of the sediment by deep reservoirs on the Carpathian tributaries of the Vistula, reforestation of the Carpathian portion of the drainage basin, and the slowing down of the rate of deepening of the Vistula channel. An estimate was made of the differentiation of the rate of overbank accumulation within the inter-embankment zone in the longitudinal profile of the study section of the Vistula. The Author proposed a modified model of temporal change of the rate of overbank accumulation in section of the course of the Vistula studied, distinguishing a stage in which change was influenced by regulation works.
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Bibliogr. 64 poz., rys., wykr.
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