Warianty tytułu
Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering 2012 (23-24.04.2012; Poznań, Polska)
Języki publikacji
In the paper a difference interval method for solving the wave equation together the initial-boundary value problems is presented. Using an interval method together floating-point interval arithmetic guarantee, that obtained interval solutions contain all numerical errors. Additionally, each exact solution is included into interval solution. In numerical experiments it is guarantee contain all numerical errors in obtained interval solutions. Taken into consideration is the central discretization method with regard to space and time. An initial condition is approximated by the third-order Taylor polynomial with local truncation error of order 0(h4). In the paper new formula, which described discretization of the initial condition, is proposed. Therefore more exact solutions are obtained then in the previous considerations.
Opis fizyczny
bibliogr. 10 poz., rys., tab.
- Poznan University of Technology
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