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Warunki meteorologiczne w rejonie Stacji H. Arctowskiego w 1998 roku na tle wielolecia 1978-1989 (Wyspa Króla Jerzego, Szetlandy Południowe)

Warianty tytułu
Meteorological conditions al the vicinity of the Arctowski Station in 1998 in comparizon with 1978-1989 (King George Island, South Shetlands)
Języki publikacji
Polish Antactic Station H. Arctowski is located at King George Island (South Shetlands, Antarctica) near the Admiralty Bay (Φ=62°10'S, λ=58°28'W). Measurements and meteorological observations were recorded tour times per day (00, 06, 12, 18 GMT). In this paper the weather conditions at the vicinity of the Arctowski Station in 1998 are characterised by air temperature, air pressure, wind speed and direction, relative humidity, total cloudiness, sunshine duration, pecipitation. Year 1998 can be defined as abnormal warm, the mean annual air temperature was -0,7°C and in comparison with the multiyear average (1978-1989) was higher by 0,9°C. Positive anomaly was detected in ten months of year. In comparison with the multi-year average of air pressure (988,5hPa), wind speed (6,0m/s), cloudiness (6,1) this year had lowest values (Table 1 ). The insolation conditions were very bad, the number of hours with sunshine reached 712,3 (long term average sum of sunshine duration is 896,0 h). In 1998 winds from SW and WSW were the most frequent (14,3%) cooling down and intensive precipitation were connected with this wind circulation. However the greatest air temperature falls corelate with eastern winds (8,6%). High frequency of wind direction in 1998 was W (9,3%), N i NNW (8,8%) and SE (8,4%) too. Relative humidity was 82,1% and corelated with average for a long time period 1977-1989. Atmospheric precipitation was higher of the average long term sum. The permanent snow cover maintained from June until the middle of November, and its maximal thickness was 93,3 cm in September.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 12 poz., rys., tab.
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Typ dokumentu
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