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The analytic and model estimation of the direct groundwater inflow to Baltic Sea on the territory of Poland
Konferencja Naukowa "Modelowanie Przepływu Wód Podziemnych" (2 ; 15-17.11.2006 ; Poznań-Ciążeń, Polska)
Języki publikacji
Estimation of direct inflow of groundwater to the Baltic Sea from the territory of Poland authors at cooperation with geologists’ group executed by order of the Ministry of Environments. The geological construction and hydrogeological conditions were characterised on the basis of regional elaboration and numerous publications. A hydrogeological schema was prepared for area of water supply of the waterside zone of the sea. Four main aquifers were assigned and their parameters were characterized. Along cross-section above 500 km analytic counts of direct inflow of groundwater to the Baltic Sea were executed. Forming zons of groundwater direct inflow to the Baltic Sea numeric models for four representative areas ware constracted. Obtained effects of counts of direct inflow are two methods comparable. The total value of calculated direct inflow of groundwater was removed to the Baltic Sea around 398 000 m3/d. The individual equal module was average 793 m3/d. We propose that field and modeling reasearch direct inflow to the Baltic Sea should be continued.
Opis fizyczny
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