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Is the polycentrism a desirable feature in the construction of sustainable residential environments? : revisiting its conceptualization from the travel-to-work perspective: an analysis for the biggest metropolitan areas in Spain

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The urban form is an important issue on explaining quality of life or housing environments, since it has implications in terms of social, environmental and economic aspects. In this paper, taking as case study the seven biggest metropolitan areas in Spain, we explore whether urban form, understood as polynucleation (morphological) is related to polycentricity (functional) understood as the level of interconnections depicted by journey-to-work mobility. We found a high correlation between the morphological and functional sides of polycentrism, nonetheless, polycentricity succeed in understanding the kind of relations among subcenters, namely it permits to foreseen the kind of transportation systems needed in each of the studied cities. In terms of social, economic and environmental sustainability, it is exposed the discussion on whether a high level of polynucleation and interlinking would be more desirable in the construction of the house of tomorrow.
  • Center for Land Policy and Valuations, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona Tech
  • Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona Tech
  • Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona Tech
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