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Legal issues of the formation and functioning of the national innovation system in Ukraine

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Introduction - the purpose of the article is to determine the theoretical and legislative bases for the definition and construction of the national innovation system and its subsystems, to establish gaps in the regulatory legal regulation of the economic activity of individual elements - subjects of the NIS. Methods of research - structural and functional methods of analysis are used to determine the existing competence of the participants of the national innovation system of Ukraine and the ability to perform the necessary functions for the system. Methods of analysis and synthesis were used in the study of theoretical models of innovative systems and their structure. The normativist method (formal and legal) was used in the study of the actual state of legislative securing of the NIS. Results of the research - Based on the analyzed scientific sources and on the basis of regulatory acts of Ukraine, it is necessary to distinguish the following NIS subsystems, which require significant legislative regulation: subsystem of generation of knowledge and education, subsystem of production of products and services, subsystem of innovative infrastructure, subsystem «National network technology transfer», Territorial (regional) subsystems. Discussion with the other scientists - most views on the essence of a NIS can be divided into the following groups: structural approach, subsystem approach, functional and structural. However, these models do not sufficiently address the role of the lowest level of the administrative system - the united territorial communities as the only one as close as possible to the governmental structure. In this direction, it is necessary to extend the limits of financial capacity of territorial communities on the principles of transparency, accessibility, sufficiency. Summary and conclusions - for the harmonious and timely development of the National Innovation System it is necessary to comprehensively approach the legislative regulation of relations in the innovation system and its subsystems, as well as to formulate guidelines for the formation of the system of regulation of innovative activity in the laws.
  • Scientific and Research Institute of Providing Legal Framework for the Innovative Development of National Academy of Law
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Opracowanie rekordu ze środków MNiSW, umowa Nr 461252 w ramach programu "Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki" - moduł: Popularyzacja nauki i promocja sportu (2020).
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