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Effect of ultrasound sonication on the effectiveness of acidic whey anaerobic methane fermentation conditions
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Whey is almost clear liquid which is formed as a residue after cutting cow's milk. In its composition contains about 5% of sugar - lactose, protein and 1% and 0.5% fat, as well as minerals and vitamins. Whey may be about 50% dry milk was-was a part is separated from the whey clot, which is produced cheese or casein. 1 part by volume of the resulting cheese falls nearly 10 parts of whey. Rennet in cheese production and ripening sweet whey is obtained, the production of cottage cheese whey acidic. The resulting large quantities of whey in dairy plants could be environmentally dangerous waste from the manufacture of cheese or casein. Because of the huge loads of organic compounds directly from crude whey-operation to the environment threatens to strong contamination. At the same time whey can be a valuable starting material for further processing, eg in the food industry. One possible means of disposal of whey is its use as a substrate for methane fermentation process. Thanks to this potentially dangerous and onerous for the dairy whey can be converted into valuable biogas energy. In this study analyzed the extent to which the application of ultrasound to condition the whey can improve its performance in the process of anaerobic mesophilic anaerobic digestion. Studies on the effects of ultrasound sonication on the effectiveness of the distribution of acid whey was carried out in five series of varying amounts of energy input during conditioning. After the disintegration of the whey, analyzed its susceptibility to anaerobic digestion in the mesophilic anaerobic digestion. For this purpose, respirometric measurements were performed using, as inoculum anaerobic sludge adapted to degrade whey. With the respirometric test performed simultaneous measurements of anaerobic sludge pH. Research in all series including the control series was performed in triplicate. For statistical calculations used the program Statistica 9.0. The obtained results indicate that by sonication can significantly increase the value of energy produced in the process of anaerobic digestion biogas. Despite the sonication energy inputs, increased production of biogas with high methane content makes it advisable to appropriate preparatory treatments of the substrate. The results of series 4 and 5 with the largest dose of ultrasound energy demonstrated that the amount of energy input must be selected very carefully, and the increase in the number entering the ultrasound does not translates into a linear increase in the production of methane. In the series, with shorter times of exposure to ultrasound was shorter acid phase and increase the rate of formation of biogas in comparison to a series of links.
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Bibliogr. 23 poz., tab., rys.
- Uniwersytet Warmińsko Mazurski, Olsztyn
- Uniwersytet Warmińsko Mazurski, Olsztyn
- Uniwersytet Warmińsko Mazurski, Olsztyn
- Uniwersytet Warmińsko Mazurski, Olsztyn
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