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Dynamics of the Russian, Japan and the United States living premises geometry

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The main purpose of studying the dynamics of the geometric parameters of the country's living premises is to determine the patterns of their transformation as a result of changes in the lifestyle of the population. An analysis of official statistical information presented in the reports on population censuses and inventory of residential premises conducted in recent years in Russia, Japan and the United States made it possible to identify the dependence of changes in the number and area of living premises on the direction of development of the property structure in the country. Despite the relative stability of the reproduction of the traditional spatial image of the country's living premises, the change in its characteristics also depends on the level and character of the distribution of housing provision among the population. In the 19th century, a wide variety of living conditions with a low level of housing provision for the population led to an increase in state support for the construction of housing, which made it possible to narrow the geometric parameters of housing under construction and increase the average level of provision in countries. With the increase in the economic opportunities of households, it becomes preferable to purchase housing in private ownership, which makes it possible to expand the variety of living conditions and increase the average provision of housing for the population. The complete privatization of dwellings, observed at the end of the 20th century, leads to the emergence of private rent, which narrows the geometric characteristics of the dwelling under construction and increases the uneven housing supply again. During periods of economic crises, there are noticeable shifts in the transformation of the spatial image of a dwelling, associated with the search for the highest quality geometric forms of a dwelling, which change the direction of its reproduction during periods of restoration.
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