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An analysis was made of 13-year wood volume increments on pine trees growing in the immediate vicinity of strip roads, at distances of 2-4 m and 8-10 m (the control). The widths of the strip roads were 3.5 m (short wood extraction with a forwarder) and 2.5 m (long wood skidding with an agricultural tractor), and they were cut during the first thinning. Also, compensation for the lost wood, resulting from increased growth of trees near the strip roads, was estimated. Tree volumes were calculated by the tree section method, based on measurements of yearly tree rings, taken with an electronic caliper on wood disks cut from the centers of 2-meter-long tree sections taken from sample trees. The percentage compensation for volume losses was calculated by comparing the increased volume increment of edge trees with the volume (and its 13-year lost increment) of trees removed from the strip roads. The study showed an increased volume increment of edge trees compared with trees growing deeper in the stand. In the case of wider strip roads, the increased volume increment was also present on trees growing at a distance of about 3 m from the strip roads. After 13 years the increased volume increment on trees bordering the strip roads and growing at a distance of 2-4 m from the strip roads compensated for 35% (wider strip roads) and 28% (narrower strip roads) of the lost wood volume and its unrealized increment.
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Bibliogr. 35 poz., rys., tab.
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