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Informational resources processing intellectual systems with textual commercial content linguistic analysis usage constructional means and tools development

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The article content lies in solving the important applied scientific problem of the informational resources processing intellectual systems (IRPISes) with textual commercial content linguistic analysis usage creation. The IRPISes functioning mathematical ensuring was developed. The IRPISes construction means and methods will be developed on the basis of created mathematical models. Such systems have the widespread usage, in particular for the forming, managing and maintenance of the expanding content volume in Internet, running e-business, during the online and offline content realization systems, cloud storage and cloud computing. The increase in the content volume causes the proper quality and productivity evaluation of the very content author. The increase in the evaluation criterions allows covering the broader aspect range of any author’s / moderator’s work.
  • Software Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • Information Systems and Networks Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • Applied Linguistics Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University
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