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Robust adaptive observer-based control of blood glucose level for type 1 diabetic patient

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In this paper, an adaptive controller is designed to regulate the blood glucose level of type 1 diabetes mellitus while not all states of the system are measurable and also its parameters are unknown. The main goal in the control of diabetes is to preserve blood glucose level within a safe rang by a suitable injecting insulin rate to the patient. Herein, it is achieved by measuring the blood glucose level and proposed an observer based adaptive control system. In the proposed method, firstly, the dynamic equations of nonlinear Bergman minimal model (BMM) are transformed into a companion form. Then an adaptive observer is presented to simultaneously estimate the state variables and the system’s parameters. Afterward, based on the designed observer and using a new meal simulation model, an adaptive control is presented to bring back the blood glucose level to its safe range. The overall stability of the developed adaptive control is established using the Lyapunov direct method. Simulation results have been performed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach in tracking the desired blood glucose.
  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, Iran
  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, Iran
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